Experience in terms of years ?
TopTal- Best Freelancing Gigs provider which guarantees top clients and a represents a pool of top 3% of the developers.
India based Freelance Developer creating awesome and effective websites
along with Android and Windows Phone Apps
Writing clean and well documented codes is not an option: it's my biological requirement. I like my code to be elegant and efficient. Although talent feels and looks predestined, in fact we have a good deal of control over what skills we develop.
That productive, uncomfortable terrain located just beyond our current abilities, where our reach exceeds our grasp, struggling in certain targeted ways—operating at the edges of our ability, where we make mistakes—makes us smarter. That's when we are skilled !
These are the languages & Frameworks I usually work with. Let me know which one's ur fav and why !! What would you do if you had a software expert available at your fingertips !!
I never dreamt of being a coder, I used to run away from it even in my dreams until one fine morning- I had an idea...and the desire to make it real was irresistible. Instead of getting help from friends as I always used to, I choose to implement it from scratch all by myself even though I knew nothing about it. As I kept struggling, while learning it...it became so natural and the thirst of learning itself became my biggest achievement till date. That was the day I learnt the joy of creation itself and now I can't distance myself from it !
Responsibilities : Architecting - Developing massively scalable
distributed software systems that require high availability to support
mission-critical business tasks. Pricing Team.
Responsibilities : Handling the entire tech front of Shivom.io
A silicon valley bio-informatics company, dealing with cutting-edge
Tech such as Blockchain - AI - ML - DataScience etc... Always busy in
Solution Design, Team Mgmt, Board/Investor Meetings, Tech DD etc...
Responsibilities : Creating robust complete end to end Projects using,
JavaScript Frameworks, CI/CD Automation, ServerLess Development event
based Systems, & then working on Architectural and Infrastructural Challanges.
Responsibilities : Creating FrontEnd using HTML/CSS3 slices from PSD files,
coding WordPress Sites & Mobile Apps from Scratch.
Also helping them with SEO/SEM. Backend Development using Node.js - MongoDB etc... Google definitely has been a great pal!
Apart from completing the degree my interests grew in development and coding not before my Final Year, since then I am a full-time coder and love what I do. In my Final year, I did an Internship from BSNL- Training Centre. I started Freelancing Projects from college as I loved doing it. At first I did it for free.
Got Introduced to Technical Knowledge. I did well in academics and learnt to be a team-player. Also learnt the bureaucratic discipline, apart from the academic knowledge. In my Final year, I did an Internship from BSNL- Training Centre.
I have come a long way from then. The picture that I can visualize of my School Time is being in a boarding school having lots of friends and mischiefs. Apart from them I got Distinction in G. K & Intelligence Test organized by
Got Ranked in
I have had an amazing journey and learning experience from most of my clients and have received tons of awesome feedback and suggestions.
Here's what they had to say –
We only get few hours in a day to be able to spend time on learning and since there are so many alternatives to choose from, picking the right resource can really be confusing. Let us learn from each other's experience. Here are few of my experiences I would like to share. Hope it will be of help to you!
TopTal- Best Freelancing Gigs provider which guarantees top clients and a represents a pool of top 3% of the developers.
With the smaller and cheaper yet promising devices such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino etc...combined with Internet can turn pretty much any thing to smarter things
Going responsive is great until you stumble upon certain edge case scenarios where existing CSS Frameworks fail. Including data tables or do you need 5 column fully responsive blocks ?
Questions, comment or concerns? This contact form is the best way to get in touch with me. Alternatively I can be reached at dibyanshu.sunny@gmail.com. Please feel free to contact me anytime of the day. You and your thoughts are welcomed !